Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saturday June 29th 2010

Saturday was the first sunny day in a very long time!!

Little Learner's class were studying the shape of "things" by wrapping them up in yarn!
We learned about Cristo and Jean Claude and we got to work!

Our fingers sure got a workout!! After trying a few different objects, we decided to start wrapping the teacher.. unfortunatly she couldn't reach the camera without getting untied!

The older kids made their own lego masks!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Activities for June 5th

Today in the Little Learner's Program we made Space Shuttles!

The body was made from old plastic bottles, the wings were made with newspapers, then we covered the whole thing in plaster bandage!

All of us started with the same materials, but all our Shuttles look very different!

In the Afternoon the Older kids made soap using lego.
This was a complicated process but it was also very fun!
First, we created something out of lego, then we made an imprint in clay, then we poured liquid nitrogen to freeze the imprint. After that we poured in the soup
and once it hardened we popped the soap out!

Now the Creative kids Museum smells like Vanilla, Rasberry and Mango!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Saturday Activities For May 29

May 29th was a great day!

Check out these awesome clay boats that we made!

Some of us got creative when designing our sails!

Some of us got creative with all sorts of different materials:

In the afternoon the older kids made casts of their lego creations:

it was difficult but fun! (we put mom's to work!)

Getting the lego out was the REALLY hard part!

Our City ended up looking Great!!

We got this amazing idea from the great people at Tape Sculpture

This is also similar to the work of Artist Mark Jenkins check out his work